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 Inglés tesauro
HI abbr.
abrev. Hercules Inc.; Honeywell, Inc.; horizontal internal; Hudson Institute
abrev., avia. handling instruction; honer indicator
abrev., cienc. hollow inclusion; Hydraulic Institute (US); hydro-impact
abrev., espac. heading indicator; height indicator
abrev., fich. hazard identification (igisheva)
abrev., med. hemagglutination inhibition (test, titer)
abrev., negoc. high priority
abrev., nombr. Houston Instrument Inc.
abrev., petról. Hawaiian Islands; heavy ion; high-intensity; high island; horizontal interval; humidity index
HI abbr.
abrev. hot issue; Abap List Viewer; Hand In; Handicap Index; Hanging In; Hanging Indent; Harassment Ideas; Harmful Input; Harvest Institute; Hayes International; Head In; Health Information; Hearing Impaired; Hearing Impairment; Heartbeat International; Heat Index; Heat Intercept; Here Is ....; Hideous Idiot; Higher Intelligence; Hindi; Holiday Inns; Home Inspector; Homemaker Interactive; Homo Iconos; Honesty And Integrity; Hospitality Industry; Household International, Inc.; Humorous Individual; Humorous Intention; Hyperactive Impulsive; hospital insurance (program Vosoni)
abrev., agric. heat increment
abrev., armas. Hazard Index; Hydraulic Institute (US)
abrev., avia. handing instruction; high intensity; Honeywell Inc; HUM high humidity
abrev., calz. heat insulation against warmth (специальное обозначение Yuriy83)
abrev., cardiol. heart insufficiency (igisheva)
abrev., cría d. Herding Intermediate
abrev., defens. hyperspectral imagery
abrev., electr. hard interrupt; header information; heterogeneity information; high impedance; hold instruction; hole injection; Houston Instrument, Inc.; hydrogen iodide
abrev., escoc. Civil aircraft marking (Dominican Republic); Hawaii (US state)
abrev., extens. Game high scores table (Vosoni); High scores (games)
abrev., fisiol. Hypoxia Ischemia
abrev., geogr. Hawaii (Vosoni)
abrev., industr. EHI (MichaelBurov); equipment health index (MichaelBurov); health index (MichaelBurov)
abrev., inmunol. hemagglutination inhibition (goedzak)
abrev., intel. human intelligence (as opposed to artificial intelligence – AI); human intelligence (as opposed to AI – artificial intelligence 4uzhoj)
abrev., lab.eq. Haemagglutination Inhibition
abrev., med. health information; high impulsiveness; hospital-induced; hospital insurance (program); hydroxyindole; hypothermic ischemia; Heart Infusion
abrev., medic. latent hyperopia
abrev., mil., avia. hardware interface
abrev., oncol. hematologic improvement (гематологическое улучшение (IWG-2006) GhostLibrarian)
abrev., petról. human interface; hydrocarbon index; hydrogen index
abrev., plást. high impact
abrev., polím. high-impact
abrev., segur. health insurance; hospital insurance (key2russia)
abrev., tec. height of instrument
abrev., valor. Herfindahl index (显示公司兼并对市场自由竞争力所造成的影响)
industr. high-intensivity; hydrodynamic instability; hydrogen igniter
mil. handling instructions; high impact; high intensity; high intercept
tec. height of instrument; helical instability; hydromagnetic instability; hyperfine interaction
telecom. Hello
hi [haɪ] int.
gen. privet (m nimachka)
abrev. high; hectoliter; hole
abrev., automóv. high beam; high input; high signal voltage
petr. highly
polím. high
Hi abbr.
abrev., med. histidine; histone
abrev., nombr., dimin. Hiram
hi. abbr.
abrev. hectolitre
HIR [haɪ] int.
meteorol. high (er)